Opener and Cooldowns For Fury Warriors

Let's move onto the rotation/spell priority. This page is only called rotation because that is the common term for this, but everything that we do is based on a priority. Think of our rotation as a robot would, and carry out each spell based on the conditions that we currently have, such as what buffs do we have, how much rage do we have, and what spells are available to be used.

On this page, whenever there is a spell name with additional modifiers either before or after the spell name, it means that it's a spell to be only used if those priorities are met. For example, an "Enraged Raging Blow", would be to only use Raging Blow if you currently have the "Enraged" buff, and a "100 Rage Rampage" would be to only use Rampage if you have 100 rage. If a spell doesn't have any modifiers, then it can be used regardless of what buffs you have.

As a Fury Warrior, our "cooldowns" window is just whenever we have Battle Cry up since a good percentage of our damage will come within those 5 seconds (7 seconds thanks to Reckless Abandon). If you have Bloodbath, you will save your Bloodbath so you can use it together with Battle Cry at the same time. On a single target fight with no additional mechanics or damage increasing effects from the fight, you want to use Battle Cry (and Bloodbath) as much as possible. We'll cover Bloodbath first and then Inner Rage further down the page. Bloodbath rotation is also super simple in comparison to Inner Rage.

Bloodbath Talented

Cooldowns Priority

Your priority during your Battle Cry window when the target is above Execute range (20% hp) is as follows:

  1. Rampage
  2. Enraged Odyn's Fury
  3. Bloodthirst
  4. Raging Blow

Sample cooldowns Rotation (With Legendary Pants and Massacre Ring)

Timeline view of the sample opener.

  1. Battle Cry + Avatar + Bloodbath + (any dps Racials such as Troll's Berserking) + Rampage
  2. Odyn's Fury (Odyn's Glory procs and gives you 20 rage)
  3. Bloodthirst
  4. Rampage
  5. Raging Blow
  6. Bloodthirst
  7. Raging Blow
  8. Rampage

Cooldowns in the middle of a fight (With Legendary Pants and Massacre Ring)

The priority will be the same for you between your opener and cooldowns in the middle of a fight, but the difference here is if it's possible to try to get to 85 rage within 2-3 global cooldowns (GCD), then you actually want to cast Rampage before you go into your cooldown window of Battle Cry + Bloodbath. You ideally want to hit your cooldowns just past half way through your first Rampage GCD so that the last 2 ticks of your first Rampage is able to benefit from Battle Cry and Bloodbath (Rampage damage is split into 5 ticks and the last 2 ticks do 56% of the total Rampage damage).

Cooldowns during execute phase

The goal here is to stay enraged and hit as many Executes as you can while enraged. You also want to essentially use up all your rage perfectly as your next Battle Cry becomes available so dump your rage into Executes as you see the next Battle Cry about to come up. With the Massacre Ring, you should only have to cast Enraged Executes and Rampage during Battle Cry (you might need to cast a Bloodthirst at the very beginning of Battle Cry if you started Battle Cry without Enrage, or if you ran out of Rage due to not having legendaries).

  1. Enraged Execute
  2. Massacre Procced Rampage (if you don't have the Massacre Ring, skip this step)
  3. Execute
  4. Bloodthirst
  5. Raging Blow
  6. Furious Slash

cooldowns during aoe

You want to make sure you go into your cooldowns during aoe with a Meat Cleaver buff up. You proc Meat Cleaver by hitting Whirlwind on any target. Meat Cleaver allows your next Bloodthirst or Rampage to strike up to 4 additional targets for 50% damage. So cast a whirlwind before you go into your cooldowns window. You just need 2 targets to aoe instead of single target.

  1. Meat-Cleavered Rampage
  2. Enraged Odyn's Fury
  3. Meat-Cleavered Bloodthirst
  4. Whirlwind

Inner Rage Talented

The rest of this page is if you're using the Inner Rage talent instead.

Cooldowns Priority

Your priority during your Battle Cry window when the target is above Execute range (20% hp) is as follows:

5 minute single target sims using edited apl.

  1. Enraged Raging Blow
  2. 100 Raged Rampage
  3. Enraged Odyn's Fury (to replace a Furious Slash)
  4. Bloodthirst
  5. Rampage
  6. Furious Slash

Yes, even if you have 100 rage, you should still hit the Enraged Raging Blow first. The difference wasn't much in the previous patch. With due to tier 20, it is much better to prioritize Enraged Raging Blow (even if you are full rage).

Even though Odyn's Fury is our single hardest hitting ability (outside of execute phase), it's more beneficial to your dps when you are able to get as many Raging Blow casts into your Battle Cry window as possible.

You actually do want to use a non-100 Raged Rampage as long as it replaces a Furious Slash. You're pretty much doing anything you can to hit something else other than Furious Slash during your Battle Cry window.

sample cooldowns Rotation (With Legendary Helm and Pants)

For example, for the start of an encounter where you're starting the fight with no buffs at all and you get an Odyn's Glory to proc, you want to charge in and press:

  1. Battle Cry + Avatar + (any dps Racials such as Troll's Berserking) + Rampage
  2. Raging Blow
  3. Odyn's Fury (Odyn's Glory procs and gives you 20 rage)
  4. 100 Raged Rampage
  5. Raging Blow
  6. Bloodthirst
  7. Rampage (might or might not have 100 rage)

Now if you didn't get Odyn's Glory, but instead got Helya's Scorn (no extra rage), then you do:

  1. Battle Cry + Avatar + (any dps Racials such as Troll's Berserking) + Rampage
  2. Raging Blow
  3. Odyn's Fury (Helya's Scorn procs and no additional rage)
  4. Bloodthirst
  5. Raging Blow
  6. 100 Raged Rampage
  7. Bloodthirst

Cooldowns in the middle of a fight (With Legendary Helm and Pants)

If you are about to use Battle Cry in the middle of a fight, the most important thing is to make sure you didn't JUST use Raging Blow before hitting Battle Cry. That way you can start your Battle Cry window with BC+Raging Blow, or BC+Rampage and immediately followed by Raging Blow. This will allow you to maximize your Rampage and Raging Blow casts and use as little Furious Slash casts during your Battle Cry window. 

Also, be sure to also dump your rage with rampage before you hit Battle Cry, even if you didn't have 100 rage. If you are below 85 rage however, feel free to just hit Battle Cry+Rampage and start your cooldowns rotation.

If you don't have Odyn's Fury and you are not Enraged before using Battle Cry, your rotation can look something like this:

  1. Battle Cry + Avatar + (any dps Racials such as Troll's Berserking) + Rampage
  2. Raging Blow
  3. Bloodthirst
  4. Rampage
  5. Raging Blow
  6. Bloodthirst
  7. Rampage

If you don't have Odyn's Fury and you ARE Enraged before using Battle Cry, your rotation can look something like this:

  1. Battle Cry + Avatar + (any dps Racials such as Troll's Berserking) + Raging Blow
  2. 100 Raged Rampage
  3. Bloodthirst
  4. Raging Blow
  5. Rampage
  6. Bloodthirst
  7. Raging Blow

If you do not have legendary helmet+pants, you will generally not be able to just do Rampage, Raging Blow, Bloodthirst and repeat. You will have to add Furious Slashes into your Battle Cry window. Follow the priority that is at the top of the page.

Cooldowns during execute phase

During Execute Phase (20% or less), the priority during Battle Cry becomes much easier:

  1. Enraged Execute
  2. Bloodthirst (to keep Enraged)

This is literally it for Execute phase with Battle Cry. It's not really worth it to use Odyn's Fury during Execute phase while you have Battle Cry up unless there is more than 1 target.

cooldowns during aoe

Your cooldown window during aoe places higher emphasis on casting Odyn's Fury earlier in your Battle Cry window. You place Enraged Odyn's Fury above all else in your Battle Cry window. Your placement of Whirlwind in the priority will depend on the number of targets. That will be covered in the aoe section.

An example of your Cooldowns During Aoe (4+ targets) would be:

  1. Whirlwind first to proc Meat Cleaver
  2. Battle Cry + Avatar + (any dps Racials such as Troll's Berserking) + Rampage
  3. Odyn's Fury
  4. Whirlwind
  5. Bloodthirst
  6. Whirlwind (Can be replaced with Raging Thirst Raging Blow at 4-5 targets)
  7. Whirlwind

Replace any of the 2nd or 3rd Whirlwinds with Raging Thirst (2 piece Tier 20) buffed Raging Blows if there are less than 6 targets (more on this in the next page).